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      Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty

      The Restructuring and Insolvency Faculty ("RIF") was established by the Institute in 2008. It is an important forum for insolvency practitioners (“IPs”) and those interested in the restructuring and insolvency field, in Hong Kong and it supports faculty members in carrying out their work and activities.




      Membership of the RIF is open to Institute members, lawyers and holders of other relevant professional memberships and/or qualifications, and practitioners with suitable experience. Other persons with a relevant interest in the insolvency field may also apply to join.


      Faculty services and benefits of membership

      Working through the RIF Executive Committee, the RIF:

      • Holds regular lunchtime face-to-face seminars and webinars on current topics of interest to IPs, including some joint events with other relevant groups, such as the Forensic Interest Group. RIF members pay a lower enrolment fee for events. The Institute is also a Law Society-accredited CPD provider for RIF events
      • Organises networking events, including an annual cocktail, which is complimentary for RIF members
      • Publishes an e-newsletter, "The IP's Voice", 3 - 4 times per year, with news, updates and articles relevant to IPs, and issues timely e-notifications to inform RIF members of legal and regulatory updates, upcoming activities, as well as other developments in the field of restructuring and insolvency
      • Carries out technical work, including liaising with, and making representations and submissions to the government - the Official Receiver's Office, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (Financial Services Branch), as well as other departments and bureaus, the financial services regulators, and other authorities
      • Lends support to other Institute initiatives, such as the more extensive insolvency training courses
      • Provides a forum for professionals working in the restructuring and insolvency field to exchange views on matters of common interest, and two-way channel of communication with the Institute on current issues and concerns in this specialist area of practice.


      For more details about the RIF, see the information sheet and for details about RIF events, see


      INSOL International

      • The RIF forms the membership base of the Institute's membership of  INSOL International (a worldwide federation of associations of accountants, lawyers and other professionals who specialise in turnaround and insolvency), and RIF membership automatically includes INSOL membership. INSOL publishes a quarterly journal, entitled "INSOL World", which is distributed directly by INSOL to individual members. It also issues a monthly e-newsletter and publishes an annual directory of member associations and individual members.


      Join RIF


      Please click here to join RIF.  If you are a non-member of the Institute who would like to submit the application via our online system, please register as a new web member first, then complete an online registration.


      You are also welcome to join RIF by completing the membership application form (for 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025: Form for HKICPA member/ HKICPA student/ international affiliate, Form for non-HKICPA member).


      Contact RIF


      For enquiries about the RIF, please click here.


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